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Gastprofessorin im Sommersemester 2022

Dr. Nontando Margaret Hadebe

Gastprofessorin im Sommersemester 2022

PT-Gebäude, Zi. 4.2.49
Telefon 0941 943-3702

E-Mail: nontando.hadebe@theologie.uni-regensburg.de

Pressemitteilung der Universität Regensburg

Professur für Pastoraltheologie und Homiletik
Fakultät für Katholische Theologie
Universität Regensburg
93040 Regensburg



Doctor in Theology - St Augustine College of South Africa

Masters in Theology - Practical Theology and Spirituality - South Africa

Bachelor of Theology

Licentiate in Theology

Current employment

International Coordinator - Side by Side Gender Justice

Academic employment

Part-time lecturer at St. Augustine College (Johannesburg)

Women-Theologian  Practitioner in Gender Justice within Faith Communities 

- Catholic Women Theologians South Africa together with Jesuit Institute: Listening to women’s voices for the Synodality.

- Member of the South Africa Chapter of The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians

- Board Member: Future Church, Catholic Women Preach, Association of Christian Religious Practitioners and Faith in Action for Gender Justice in Africa

- Radio Presenter: Radio Veritas weekly one hour radio program

- Membership organization: Global Interfaith Network; Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians and Catholic Women Speak

Research Fellow: University of Free State, South Africa, Department of Historical and Constructive Theology

Employment History

01.02.16-31.01.18 - Post Doctoral Fellow:

University of South Africe (Unisa)

Department of Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology

01.01.15-31.05.15 - Fulbright Scholar - in-Residence

Emmanuel College, Boston, MA, USA

01.08.14-31.12.14 - International Fellow 

Jesuit School of Theology/Santa Clara University

Berkeley, California, USA


2021. Hadebe, N.,  Gennrich, D., Rakoczy, S and Tom Nobesuthu. A Time Like No Other: Covid 19 in Women’s Voices. Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians: Johannesburg.

2021. Hadebe, Nontando. ‘The cry of the earth is the cry of Women,’ in Chirongoma, S and Mombo, Esther, Mother Earth, Postcolonial and Liberation Theologies, London: Lexington Books/Fortress.

2019. ‘Can anything good come from Nazareth? Come and See!’ An invitation to dialogue: Queer theories and African theologies. (International Journal of Theology, Concilium) 

2019. ‘African Contributions to Pastoral Theology.’ Vol. 1 of Sacrum Testamentum online journal (https://sacratestamentum.wixsite.com/sacrum-testamentum/volume-1-1)

2017. Hadebe, N.M., ‘Commodification, decolonisation and theological education in Africa: Renewed challenges for African theologians’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies73(3), a4550. doi.org/10.4102/hts.v73i3.4550

2017. Hadebe, Nontando M.  ‘Decolonization and the Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians: A Case Study of Musimbi  Kanyoro Cultural Hermeneutics’ in Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa, Journal of Gender and Religion in Africa. 22 (2/3). (I edited this journal) 

2017. Hadebe, Nontando M. ‘A Correction of Pastoral Care that Overlooks the most Vulnerable’, Testamentum Imperium Vol 5

2017. Hadebe, Nontando M.  ‘The Cry of the earth is the cry of women: Ecofeminisms in critical dialogue with Laudato Si’, Grace and Truth 42,2:50-65  

2016. Hadebe, Nontando.  ‘Moving in Circles. A Sankofa-Kairos theology of inclusivity and accountability rooted in Trinitarian Theology as a resource for restoring the liberation legacy of the Circle of Concerned African women Theologians, ”  Verbum et Ecclesia vol.37, n.2, pp.1-6. ISSN 2074-7705.  http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ve.v37i2.1573.

2016. Hadebe, Nontando. ‘Not in our name without us: The Intervention of Catholic Women Speak at the Synod of Bishops on the Family: A Case study of a global resistance movement by Catholic Women” HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, [S.l.], v. 72, n. 1, p. 9 pages, nov. 2016. ISSN 2072-8050. https://hts.org.za/index.php/hts/article/view/3481/8877

2016. Hadebe, "Listening to the elders of African Theology: Ubuntu and Trinitarian theology as a response to the call for the integration of inculturation and liberation theologies" in Grace and Truth 

Published Book Chapters

2018. Hadebe, Nontando. ‘Whose life matters? Violence  against Lesbians and the Politis of Life in the Church,’ in Beattie T. & Culberston D, Visions and Vocations. Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press. 

2017. Hadebe, N.  ‘Ecumenism,’ in A Pope Francis Lexicon. Collegeville: Liturgical Press.

2017. Hadebe, Nontando. ‘Women’s Maze: Negotiating Spaces in Culture, Christianity and Constitution in a search to liberate multiple identities: A case study of The Circle of Concerned African Women Theologians’ (chapter in book edited by Emmi Armitham & Virgina Saldahna proceedings of Ecclesia of Asian Women conference)

2016. Hadebe, Nontando. ""Toward an Ubuntu Trinitarian Prophetic Theology: A Social Critique of Blindness to the Other" in Brazal, M.A. & Davila M.T. (eds.),  Living With(Out) Borders: Catholic Theological Ethics in the World Church and the Migration of Peoples. New York: Orbis Books. 

2016. Hadebe, Nontando M.  ‘Advocate for Life!’ A Kairos Moment for the Catholic Church in Africa to be a Guardian, Sustainer and Protector of life,” in Orobator, A. E. (ed). The Church We Want. African Catholics Look to Vatican II, Orbis Books: New York. pp.213-228.

2016. Hadebe, Nontando.  "HIV and AIDS IN SOUTHERN AFRICA Gender inequality and human rights: A prophetic Trinitarian anthropology" in Paterson G. and C Long, Dignity, Freedom and Grace: Christian Perspective on HIV, AIDS and Human Rights.  Geneva: WCC.

2015. Hadebe, Nontando. 2015. “Reading the Signs of the Times: Maternal Mortality and Reproductive Rights” in Catholic Women Speak Network (eds), An Anthology of Catholic Women’s writings.Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press

2013. Hadebe,  Nontando. 2013. "Healing and HIV in Pentecostal Churches," in Ezra Chitando and Charles Klagba (eds). In the Name of Jesus! Healing in the Age of HIV. Geneva: WCC Publications, 111129.

2009. Chitando, Ezra and Hadebe, Nontando M.(eds) Compassionate circles African women theologians  facing HIV.WCC: Geneva

2007. Hadebe, Nontando M. “A theology of Healing in the HIV & AIDS Era” WCC: Geneva. Module 8 www.oikoumene.org

2007. Leshota, Paul and Hadebe, Nontando M. 2007. “Preaching and Liturgy in the HIV & AIDS Context” WCC: Geneva. Module 10. www.oikoumene.org

Both publications were part of a series entitled: HIV and AIDS Curriculum for

Theological Education by Extension in Africa & 10 HIV and AIDS Modules Introduction: Theology in HIV & AIDS Contexts, A Series of 10

Chapters in Books waiting publication in 2021

Hadebe, N. “The crisis of the sexual abuse scandal as catalyst for reform in the Catholic Church”

  1. Fakultät für Katholische Theologie
  2. Praktische Theologie

Professur für Pastoraltheologie und Homiletik


Prof.in Dr. Ute Leimgruber

Glasfenster von Sigmar Polke, Großmünster Zürich 

Glasfenster von Sigmar Polke, Großmünster Zürich Foto (c) Ute Leimgruber

Foto (c) Ute Leimgruber

Gebäude PT 4.2.37
Telefon 0941 943-3741
Telefax 0941 943-4737

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