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Kooperation in Europa

Márton, Mihai / Dobra, Dorin / Lengyel, Zsolt K. (Hgg.)

Kooperation in Europa/Cooperation in Europe.

Modelle aus dem 20. Jahrhundert/Models from the 20th Century

2014. Regensburg Verlag Friedrich Pustet. ISBN:9783791726403.


Mihai Márton – Dorin Dobra – Zsolt K. Lengyel

Vorwort / Preface, S. 7.

Bernadette Baumgartner, Budapest

Die paneuropäische Bewegung im Ungarn der 1920er Jahre, S.14.

Dorin Dobra, Cluj

Rumänien am Ursprung des Vereinigten Europa, S.24.

Nils Müller, Berlin

The Grand Scheme and Practical Action.

„Pan-Europe“between Hungary and Yugoslavia in the 1920s and 1930s, S.36.

Zsolt K. Lengyel, Regensburg

Transsilvanismus und Paneuropa in den 1920er Jahren, S.52.

Christian Mady, Bochum

Specialization and Cooperation within the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance.

The Case of the Hungarian Automobile Industry, S.72.

Radu C. Barna, Cluj

Urban-rural Complementarities: Why Invest in Cycling Infrastructure?, S.95.

Ralf Thomas Göllner, Regensburg

Cross-border Cooperation and Euro-regional Structures.

Considerations on European Territoriality, Integration and Identity, S.111.

Alexandra Sabou – Sergiu Mişcoiu, Cluj

Cooperation of the Far Right Parties in the European Union.

From a Fairy Tale to a Nightmare, S.133.


Beiträgerinnen und Beiträger, S.158.

Orts- und Personenregister, S.159.

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