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Global South Lecture Series | Ana Nenadović (Berlin) - Das Internet schlägt zurück: Das Internet als Raum feministischen Widerstands aus dem Globalen Süden

01.07.2021, 18:15-19:45

Ana Nenadović (Institute for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin)
Das Internet schlägt zurück: Das Internet als Raum feministischen Widerstands aus dem Globalen Süden

This lecture will be held in German

The Internet Strikes Back: The internet as a space of feminist resistance from the Global South

While the social sciences for almost two decades now have now been engaged in a far-reaching debate over the role of the internet in the Global South and the asymmetrical power relations inscribed in the internet between the Global North and Global South, discussions in cultural studies on the internet and the Global South as a content creator are still in their infancy. Activists and artists from the Global South, however, had for a long time already used this supraregional space make their messages and works accessible and to network across geographical, linguistic and political borders.

This contribution to the lecture series focuses on the Femisphere – the feminist internet – and in particular feminist blogs from the Global South. These writings are read as media of decolonization and resistance to Eurocentric, neocolonial and patriarchal discourses. Following a short introduction to several blogs from Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa, there follows an outline of possible cultural studies approaches to the Femisphere. The focus here will be on the content level. I will highlight the types of texts and images that the female bloggers work with, how they present them and to what aim. 



